
108 lines
3.7 KiB

""" recreate json file to populate last year comparison table """
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from app.db_connect import db_connect, db_close
def get_rows(config):
""" get rows from last 10 days
and last 10 days one year ago """
now =
# last 10
now_until = int('%s'))
now_from = now_until - 10 * 24 * 60 * 60
# last 10 one year ago
year_until = now_until - 365 * 24 * 60 * 60
year_from = now_until - 375 * 24 * 60 * 60
# make the call
conn, cur = db_connect(config)
f'SELECT epoch_time, aqi_value FROM aqi \
WHERE epoch_time > {now_from} \
AND epoch_time < {now_until} \
ORDER BY epoch_time DESC;'
now_rows = cur.fetchall()
f'SELECT epoch_time, aqi_value FROM aqi \
WHERE epoch_time > {year_from} \
AND epoch_time < {year_until} \
ORDER BY epoch_time DESC;'
year_rows = cur.fetchall()
# close and return
db_close(conn, cur)
return now_rows, year_rows
def initial_df(now_rows, year_rows):
""" build mean df with year data split into columns """
# first df with current data
x_timeline = [datetime.fromtimestamp(i[0]) for i in now_rows]
y_aqi_values = [int(i[1]) for i in now_rows]
data = {'timestamp': x_timeline, 'now_aqi': y_aqi_values}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
indexed = df.set_index('timestamp')
indexed.sort_values(by=['timestamp'], inplace=True)
mean = indexed.resample('1d').mean().round()
# second df with last year data
x_timeline = [datetime.fromtimestamp(i[0]) for i in year_rows]
y_aqi_values = [int(i[1]) for i in year_rows]
data = {'timestamp': x_timeline, 'year_aqi': y_aqi_values}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
indexed = df.set_index('timestamp')
indexed.sort_values(by=['timestamp'], inplace=True)
year_mean = indexed.resample('1d').mean().round()
year_mean.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
# merge the two
mean.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
mean['year_aqi'] = year_mean['year_aqi']
mean.sort_values(by='timestamp', ascending=False, inplace=True)
mean['timestamp'] = mean['timestamp'].dt.strftime('%d %b')
# return result
return mean
def write_df(mean):
""" finalize df and compare values """
# build temp column with diff
mean['diff'] = (mean['now_aqi'] - mean['year_aqi']) / mean['now_aqi']
mean['change'] = np.where(mean['diff'].abs() < 0.15, 'same', mean['diff'])
mean['change'] = np.where(mean['diff'] <= -0.15, 'down', mean['change'])
mean['change'] = np.where(mean['diff'] >= 0.15, 'up', mean['change'])
del mean['diff']
# build average row on top
now_avg = mean['now_aqi'].mean()
year_avg = mean['year_aqi'].mean()
diff_avg = (now_avg - year_avg) / now_avg
if diff_avg <= -0.15:
avg_change = 'down'
elif diff_avg >= 0.15:
avg_change = 'up'
avg_change = 'same'
# build avg df
avg_row = {'timestamp': 'avg', 'now_aqi': now_avg, 'year_aqi': year_avg, 'change': avg_change}
new_row = pd.DataFrame(avg_row, index = [0]).round()
mean = pd.concat([new_row, mean]).reset_index(drop = True)
# convert to int
mean['now_aqi'] = mean['now_aqi'].astype('int')
mean['year_aqi'] = mean['year_aqi'].astype('int')
# extract and write json from df
mean_json = mean.to_json(orient='split')
with open('dyn/year-table.json', 'w') as f:
def rebuild_table(config):
""" main function to recreate year comparison table """
now_rows, year_rows = get_rows(config)
mean = initial_df(now_rows, year_rows)
# done
print('recreated year comparison json file')