
161 lines
6.2 KiB

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", startInterval);
var colorConfig =
// green
'Good': [
"#85a762", "#dbe4d1",
"invert(66%) sepia(11%) saturate(1318%) hue-rotate(47deg) brightness(92%) contrast(86%)",
"AQI 0 to 50",
"Good: No health concerns, enjoy activities."
// yellow
'Moderate': [
"#d4b93c", "#f9f0c7",
"invert(79%) sepia(5%) saturate(4660%) hue-rotate(9deg) brightness(89%) contrast(103%)",
"AQI 51 - 100:",
"Moderate: Active children and adults, and people with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should limit prolonged outdoor exertion."
// orange
'Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups': [
"#e96843", "#f8d0c8",
"invert(61%) sepia(93%) saturate(3252%) hue-rotate(333deg) brightness(95%) contrast(91%)",
"AQI 101 - 150:",
"Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups: Active children and adults, and people with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should limit prolonged outdoor exertion."
// red
'Unhealthy': [
"#d03f3b", "#f1c5c4",
"invert(39%) sepia(16%) saturate(2264%) hue-rotate(314deg) brightness(97%) contrast(110%)",
"AQI 151 - 200:",
"Unhealthy: Everyone may begin to experience health effects: Active children and adults, and people with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should avoid prolonged outdoor exertion; everyone else, especially children, should limit prolonged outdoor exertion."
// pink
'Very Unhealthy': [
"#be4173", "#e9c9d6",
"invert(45%) sepia(32%) saturate(3238%) hue-rotate(308deg) brightness(77%) contrast(90%)",
"AQI 201 - 300:",
"Very Unhealthy: Active children and adults, and people with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should avoid all outdoor exertion; everyone else, especially children, should limit outdoor exertion."
// violet
'Hazardous': [
"#714261", "#d7c6d0",
"invert(31%) sepia(8%) saturate(2659%) hue-rotate(268deg) brightness(91%) contrast(88%)",
"AQI 301 - 500:",
"Hazardous: Everyone should avoid all outdoor exertion."
function startInterval() {
// wrap for interval
function refreshAqiValues() {
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.responseType = 'json';'GET', '', true);
req.setRequestHeader('cache-control', 'no-cache');
req.onload = function() {
var responseAqi = req.response;
var timestamp = responseAqi['timestamp'];
var aqiValue = responseAqi['aqi_value'];
var aqiCategory = responseAqi['aqi_category'];
function setAqiValues(timestamp,aqiValue,aqiCategory) {
document.getElementById('aqiValue').innerHTML = aqiValue;
document.getElementById('aqiCategory').innerHTML = aqiCategory;
document.getElementById('timestamp').innerHTML = timestamp;
function setAqiColors(aqiCategory) {
// parse config
var colMain = colorConfig[aqiCategory][0];
var colSecond = colorConfig[aqiCategory][1];
var colFilter = colorConfig[aqiCategory][2];
// apply topbox col
document.getElementById('colorbox').style.backgroundColor = colMain;
// apply border col
var colBorder = document.getElementsByClassName('col_border');
for (var i = 0; i < colBorder.length; i++) {
colBorder[i].style.borderColor = colMain;
// apply light background change
var lightBg = document.getElementsByClassName('light_background');
for (var i = 0; i < lightBg.length; i++) {
lightBg[i].style.backgroundColor = colSecond;
// apply color filter
var colFilterElements = document.getElementsByClassName('col_filter');
for (var i = 0; i < colFilterElements.length; i++) {
colFilterElements[i].style.filter = colFilter;
// apply font color
var colFontElements = document.getElementsByClassName('col_font');
for (var i = 0; i < colFontElements.length; i++) {
colFontElements[i].style.color = colMain;
function setWeatherDetails(responseAqi) {
// parse response
var weatherIcon = responseAqi['weather_icon'];
var weatherName = responseAqi['weather_name'];
var temperature = Math.round(responseAqi['temperature'] * 10) / 10
var windSpeed = responseAqi['wind_speed'];
var humidity = Math.round(responseAqi['humidity']);
var pressure = Math.round(responseAqi['pressure']);
// weather icon
weatherIconSrc = '/img/icon/' + weatherIcon + '.png';
document.getElementById('weather_icon').src = weatherIconSrc;
// weather name
document.getElementById('weather_name').innerHTML = weatherName;
// temperature
document.getElementById('temperature').innerHTML = temperature;
// wind speed
document.getElementById('wind_speed').innerHTML = windSpeed;
// humidity
document.getElementById('humidity').innerHTML = humidity;
// pressure
document.getElementById('pressure').innerHTML = pressure;
function setDesc(responseAqi) {
// parse response
var aqiCategory = responseAqi['aqi_category'];
var aqiCatClean = aqiCategory.toLowerCase().replaceAll(' ', '');
var iconSrc = '/img/icon/category-' + aqiCatClean + ".png";
// parse config
var aqiRange = colorConfig[aqiCategory][3];
var aqiDesc = colorConfig[aqiCategory][4];
// set values
document.getElementById('categoryIcon').src = iconSrc;
document.getElementById('aqiName').innerHTML = aqiCategory;
document.getElementById('aqiRange').innerHTML = aqiRange;
document.getElementById('aqiDesc').innerHTML = aqiDesc;
// remove active if any
var active = document.querySelector(".active");
if (active) {
// figure out which to activate
var allCategories = Object.keys(colorConfig);
var indexMatch = allCategories.indexOf(aqiCategory);
var activeCat = document.getElementsByClassName('desc_item')[indexMatch];
// activate