
484 lines
16 KiB

""" handle nightly graph export """
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import json
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy # pylint: disable=unused-import
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from src.db import DatabaseConnect
from src.helper import get_config, plt_fill
class NightlyPlots:
""" get nightly data """
CONFIG = get_config()
def __init__(self): =
print('get data from db')
self.rows, self.y_rows = self.get_data()
def color_colums(y):
""" helper function to color bar columns """
breakpoints = [
('#85a762', 0, 50), # good
('#d4b93c', 50, 100), # moderate
('#e96843', 100, 150), # ufsg
('#d03f3b', 150, 200), # unhealthy
('#be4173', 200, 300), # vunhealthy
('#714261', 300, 500), # hazardous
colors = []
for value in y:
for break_point in breakpoints:
color, min_val, max_val = break_point
if min_val < value <= max_val:
# found it
return colors
def get_data(self):
""" export from postgres """
# current
day_until = int('%s'))
day_from = day_until - 10 * 24 * 60 * 60
query = ('SELECT epoch_time, aqi_value, pm25, pm10 FROM aqi WHERE '
f'epoch_time > {day_from} AND epoch_time < {day_until} '
'ORDER BY epoch_time DESC;')
# last year
y_until = day_until - 365 * 24 * 60 * 60
y_from = y_until - 10 * 24 * 60 * 60
y_query = ('SELECT epoch_time, aqi_value FROM aqi WHERE '
f'epoch_time > {y_from} AND epoch_time < {y_until} '
'ORDER BY epoch_time DESC;')
db_handler = DatabaseConnect()
rows = db_handler.db_execute(query)
y_rows = db_handler.db_execute(y_query)
return rows, y_rows
def recreate_last_7(self):
""" last seven days """
day_until = int('%s'))
day_from = day_until - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
rows = [i for i in self.rows if day_from < i[0] < day_until]
date_from = datetime.fromtimestamp(day_from).strftime('%d %b')
date_until = datetime.fromtimestamp(day_until).strftime('%d %b')
plt_title = f'AQI values from: {date_from} until {date_until}'
_ = LastSevenDays(rows, plt_title)
def recreate_last_3(self):
""" last three days """
_ = LastThreeDays(self.rows,
def recreate_pm_chart(self):
""" recreating pm2.5 and pm10 charts """
_ = PmGraphs(self.rows)
def recreate_hour_bar(self):
""" recreate hourly average through day bar chart """
day_until = int('%s'))
day_from = day_until - 3 * 24 * 60 * 60
rows = [i for i in self.rows if day_from < i[0] < day_until]
_ = HourBar(rows)
def recreate_year_comparison(self):
""" recreate year comparison chart and table for json """
_ = YearComparison(self.rows, self.y_rows)
class LastSevenDays:
""" recreate last 7 days """
FILENAME = 'static/dyn/last-7.png'
def __init__(self, rows, plt_title):
print('recreating last seven days')
self.plt_title = plt_title
self.rows = rows
self.axis = self.build_axis()
def build_axis(self):
""" calc x and y """
x_timeline = [datetime.fromtimestamp(i[0]) for i in self.rows]
y_aqi_values = [int(i[1]) for i in self.rows]
data = {'timestamp': x_timeline, 'aqi': y_aqi_values}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
indexed = df.set_index('timestamp')
indexed.sort_values(by=['timestamp'], inplace=True)
mean = indexed.resample('2h').mean()
mean['avg'] = mean['aqi'].resample('1d').mean()
mean['avg'] = mean.avg.shift(6)
# set first and last
mean['avg'][0] = (mean['avg'].iloc[6] + mean['aqi'][0]) / 2
mean['avg'][-1] = (mean['avg'].iloc[-6] + mean['aqi'][-1]) / 2
# smooth
mean['avg'].interpolate(method='polynomial', order=3, inplace=True)
mean.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
mean['timestamp'] = mean['timestamp'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
mean['aqi'] = mean['aqi'].round()
mean['avg'] = mean['avg'].round()
# make ticks
x_range = np.arange(0, 84, step=12)
x_date_time = pd.to_datetime(mean['timestamp'])
x_dates = np.asarray([i.strftime('%d %b') for i in x_date_time])
x_ticks = x_range, x_dates
# set axis
axis = {
"x": mean['timestamp'],
"y_1": mean['aqi'],
"y_2": mean['avg'],
"x_ticks": x_ticks,
"plt_title": self.plt_title
return axis
def write_plt(self):
""" write last 7 days plot to disk """
x = self.axis['x']
y_1 = self.axis['y_1']
y_2 = self.axis['y_2']
x_ticks = self.axis['x_ticks']
y_max = np.ceil(max(y_1.append(y_2))/50)*50 + 50
# plot'seaborn')
plt.plot(x, y_1, color='#313131', label='2hour avg')
plt.plot(x, y_2, color='#cc0000', label='daily avg')
# fill colors
plt_fill(plt, x, y_1)
# ticks and plot
plt.xticks(x_ticks[0], x_ticks[1])
plt.yticks(np.arange(0, y_max, step=50))
plt.title(self.axis['plt_title'], fontsize=20)
plt.savefig(self.FILENAME, dpi=300)
class LastThreeDays:
""" recreate last three days plot """
def __init__(self, rows, now):
print('recreating last three days')
self.y_max = None = now
self.rows = rows
def rebuild_last_three(self):
""" recreate all three graphs """
# get axis
all_axis = []
for day in range(1, 4):
axis = self.get_axis(day)
# set y_max
self.y_max = max([max(i['y']) for i in all_axis]) + 50
# plt
for idx, axis in enumerate(all_axis):
day = idx + 1
self.write_plt(axis, day)
def get_axis(self, day):
""" get axis for day passed in """
day_delta = - timedelta(days=day)
day_from = int(day_delta.strftime('%s'))
day_until = int(day_delta.strftime('%s')) + 60 * 60 * 24
day_rows = [i for i in self.rows if day_from < i[0] < day_until]
# title
time_stamp = day_delta.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
# build
x_timeline = [datetime.fromtimestamp(i[0]) for i in day_rows]
y_aqi_values = [int(i[1]) for i in day_rows]
data = {'timestamp': x_timeline, 'aqi': y_aqi_values}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
indexed = df.set_index('timestamp')
indexed.sort_values(by=['timestamp'], inplace=True)
mean = indexed.resample('15min').mean()
method='linear', limit=1, inplace=True, limit_area='inside'
mean.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
mean['timestamp'] = mean['timestamp'].dt.strftime('%H:%M')
mean['aqi'] = mean['aqi'].round()
# set axis
axis = {
"x": mean['timestamp'],
"y": mean['aqi'],
"x_ticks": np.arange(0, 97, step=8),
"plt_title": f'AQI values from: {time_stamp}'
return axis
def write_plt(self, axis, day):
""" write daily plot to disk """
x = axis['x']
y = axis['y']
x_ticks = np.arange(0, 97, step=8)'seaborn')
plt.plot(x, y, color='#313131',)
# fill colors
plt_fill(plt, x, y)
# ticks and plot
plt.yticks(np.arange(0, self.y_max, step=50))
plt.title(axis['plt_title'], fontsize=20)
plt.savefig(f'static/dyn/day-{day}.png', dpi=300)
class PmGraphs:
""" recreate avg pm10 and pm2.5 exposure graphs """
def __init__(self, rows):
print('recreating pm bar charts')
self.rows = rows
self.y_max = None
self.axis = self.get_axis()
self.write_plt(thresh=25, title='2.5')
self.write_plt(thresh=50, title='10')
def get_axis(self):
""" get pm2.5 and pm20 axis """
x_timeline = [datetime.fromtimestamp(i[0]) for i in self.rows]
y_pm25_values = [int(i[2]) for i in self.rows]
y_pm10_values = [int(i[3]) for i in self.rows]
data = {
'timestamp': x_timeline,
'pm25': y_pm25_values,
'pm10': y_pm10_values
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
indexed = df.set_index('timestamp')
indexed.sort_values(by=['timestamp'], inplace=True, ascending=True)
mean = indexed.resample('1d').mean()
mean.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
# axis
axis = {
'x': mean['timestamp'],
'y_pm25': mean['pm25'].round(),
'y_pm10': mean['pm10'].round()
# max
self.y_max = np.ceil(
max(axis['y_pm25'].append(axis['y_pm10'])) / 25
) * 25 + 25
return axis
def write_plt(self, thresh, title):
""" write plot to disk """
file_name = title.replace('.', '')
plt_title = f'Daily avg PM {title} exposure'
x = self.axis['x']
y = self.axis['y_pm' + file_name]
# make ticks
x_range = np.arange(10).tolist()
x_date_time = pd.to_datetime(x)
x_dates = [i.strftime('%d %b') for i in x_date_time]
# col
col = []
for val in y:
if val < thresh:
# plot'seaborn'), y, color=col, width=0.5)
plt.axhline(y=thresh, color='#6ecd65', linestyle=':')
plt.xticks(ticks=x_range, labels=x_dates)
plt.yticks(np.arange(0, self.y_max, step=25))
plt.title(plt_title, fontsize=20)
plt.savefig(f'static/dyn/pm{file_name}.png', dpi=300)
class HourBar:
""" recreate hour by our avg bar chart """
def __init__(self, rows):
print('recreating hour avg bar chart')
self.rows = rows
self.axis = self.get_axis()
def get_axis(self):
""" get hourly bar chart axis """
x_timeline = [datetime.fromtimestamp(i[0]) for i in self.rows]
y_aqi_values = [int(i[1]) for i in self.rows]
data = {
'timestamp': x_timeline,
'aqi': y_aqi_values
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
indexed = df.set_index('timestamp')
indexed.sort_values(by=['timestamp'], inplace=True)
mean = indexed.resample('1h').mean()
# regroup by hour
mean_hour = mean.groupby([mean.index.hour]).mean()
mean_hour.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
axis = {
'x': mean_hour['timestamp'],
'y': mean_hour['aqi'].round()
return axis
def write_plt(self):
""" write the hour bar chart to disk """
plt_title = 'Last three days average AQI for each hour'
x = self.axis['x']
y = self.axis['y']
# ticks
x_range = np.arange(0, 24, step=3)
x_hours = [str(i).zfill(2) + ":00" for i in x_range]
y_max = np.ceil(max(y)/50) * 50 + 50
# color columns
col = NightlyPlots.color_colums(y)
# create plot'seaborn'), y, color=col, width=0.5)
plt.yticks(np.arange(0, y_max, step=50))
plt.xticks(ticks=x_range, labels=x_hours)
plt.title(plt_title, fontsize=20)
plt.savefig('static/dyn/hours.png', dpi=300)
class YearComparison:
""" export year on year graph and table """
def __init__(self, rows, y_rows):
print('recreating year comparison')
self.rows = rows
self.y_rows = y_rows
self.axis = self.get_axis()
def get_axis(self):
""" build axis """
# first df with current data
x_timeline = [datetime.fromtimestamp(i[0]) for i in self.rows]
y_aqi_values = [int(i[1]) for i in self.rows]
data = {'timestamp': x_timeline, 'now_aqi': y_aqi_values}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
indexed = df.set_index('timestamp')
indexed.sort_values(by=['timestamp'], inplace=True)
mean = indexed.resample('1d').mean().round()
mean.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
# second df with last year data
x_timeline = [datetime.fromtimestamp(i[0]) for i in self.y_rows]
y_aqi_values = [int(i[1]) for i in self.y_rows]
data = {'timestamp': x_timeline, 'year_aqi': y_aqi_values}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
indexed = df.set_index('timestamp')
indexed.sort_values(by=['timestamp'], inplace=True)
year_mean = indexed.resample('1d').mean().round()
year_mean.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
# merge the two
mean['year_aqi'] = year_mean['year_aqi']
mean.sort_values(by='timestamp', inplace=True)
mean['timestamp'] = mean['timestamp'].dt.strftime('%d %b')
# build diff
mean['diff'] = (mean['now_aqi'] - mean['year_aqi']) / mean['now_aqi']
mean['change'] = np.where(
mean['diff'].abs() < 0.15, 'same', mean['diff']
mean['change'] = np.where(
mean['diff'] <= -0.15, 'down', mean['change']
mean['change'] = np.where(mean['diff'] >= 0.15, 'up', mean['change'])
# return axis
axis = {
'x': mean['timestamp'],
'y_1': mean['now_aqi'].astype('int'),
'y_2': mean['year_aqi'].astype('int'),
'change': mean['change']
return axis
def write_table(self):
""" write year comparison table json """
# build average row on top
avg = int(self.axis['y_1'].mean())
y_avg = int(self.axis['y_2'].mean())
diff_avg = (avg - y_avg) / avg
if diff_avg <= -0.15:
avg_change = 'down'
elif diff_avg >= 0.15:
avg_change = 'up'
avg_change = 'same'
avg_row = ('avg 7 days', avg, y_avg, avg_change)
# zip it
zipped = zip(
self.axis['x'], self.axis['y_1'],
self.axis['y_2'], self.axis['change']
data_rows = list(zipped)
data_rows.insert(0, avg_row)
json_dict = json.dumps({"data": data_rows})
# write to file
with open('static/dyn/year-table.json', 'w') as f:
def write_plt(self):
""" write year comparison bar chart """
x = self.axis['x']
y_1 = self.axis['y_1']
y_2 = self.axis['y_2']
# build colors
col_y_1 = NightlyPlots.color_colums(y_1)
col_y_2 = NightlyPlots.color_colums(y_2)
# set ticks
y_max = int(np.ceil((max(y_1.append(y_2)) / 50)) * 50 + 50)
x_indexes = np.arange(len(x))
# build plot
width = 0.25
plt_title = 'Daily avg AQI values compared to last year'
plt_suptitle = 'left: this year, right: last year''seaborn')
# write bars
x_indexes - (width / 2) - 0.02, y_1, color=col_y_1, width=width
x_indexes + (width / 2) + 0.02, y_2, color=col_y_2, width=width
plt.title(plt_suptitle, fontsize=15)
plt.suptitle(plt_title, fontsize=20, y=0.96)
plt.yticks(np.arange(0, y_max, step=50))
plt.xticks(ticks=x_indexes, labels=x)
plt.savefig('static/dyn/year-graph.png', dpi=300)
def main():
""" collection of nightly exports """
nightly = NightlyPlots()