""" handle db connections """ import json from datetime import datetime import psycopg2 import requests from src.helper import get_config class DatabaseConnect: """ handle db """ CONFIG = get_config() def __init__(self): self.conn, self.cur = self.db_connect() def db_connect(self): """ returns connection and curser """ # Connect to database conn = psycopg2.connect( host=self.CONFIG['postgres']['db_host'], database=self.CONFIG['postgres']['db_database'], user=self.CONFIG['postgres']['db_user'], password=self.CONFIG['postgres']['db_password'] ) # Open a cursor to perform database operations cur = conn.cursor() return conn, cur def db_execute(self, query): """ run a query """ if isinstance(query, str): self.cur.execute( query ) rows = self.cur.fetchall() elif isinstance(query, tuple): self.cur.execute( query[0], query[1] ) rows = False return rows def db_close(self): """ clean close the conn and curser """ self.conn.commit() self.cur.close() self.conn.close() class IngestLine: """ handle data input from monitor """ def __init__(self, data): self.aqi_query = None self.weather_query = None self.input_json = data self.add_aqi() self.add_timestamp() self.add_weather() self.add_query() def add_aqi(self): """ add aqi_value and aqi_category keys from pm2.5 value """ aqi_bp = [ ('Good', 0, 12.0, 0, 50), ('Moderate', 12.1, 35.4, 51, 100), ('Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups', 35.5, 55.4, 101, 150), ('Unhealthy', 55.5, 150.4, 151, 200), ('Very Unhealthy', 150.5, 250.4, 201, 300), ('Hazardous', 250.5, 500.4, 301, 500), ] pm25 = self.input_json['pm25'] category = [i for i in aqi_bp if i[2] >= pm25][0] aqi_category, p_low, p_high, a_low, a_high = category aqi = (a_high - a_low) / (p_high - p_low) * (pm25 - p_low) + a_low aqi_dict = { 'aqi_value': round(aqi), 'aqi_category': aqi_category } self.input_json.update(aqi_dict) def add_timestamp(self): """ add timestamp to dict """ now = datetime.now() timestamp = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") epoch_time = int(now.strftime('%s')) time_stamp_dict = { 'time_stamp': timestamp, 'epoch_time': epoch_time } self.input_json.update(time_stamp_dict) def add_weather(self): """ add weather data to dict """ weather = Weather().last_weather self.input_json.update(weather) def add_query(self): """ add aqi and weather query to self """ aqi_keys = ( 'epoch_time', 'sensor_id', 'time_stamp', 'uptime', 'pm25', 'pm10', 'aqi_value', 'aqi_category' ) aqi_query = self.build_query(aqi_keys, 'aqi') weather_keys = ( 'epoch_time', 'sensor_id', 'time_stamp', 'temperature', 'pressure', 'humidity', 'wind_speed', 'wind_direction', 'weather_name', 'weather_icon' ) weather_query = self.build_query(weather_keys, 'weather') self.aqi_query = aqi_query self.weather_query = weather_query def build_query(self, keys, table): """ stitch query together for psycopg2 """ keys_str = ', '.join(keys) valid = ', '.join(['%s' for i in keys]) values = tuple(self.input_json[i] for i in keys) query = (f'INSERT INTO {table} ({keys_str}) VALUES ({valid});', values) return query class Weather: """ handle weather lookup from API """ CONFIG = get_config() def __init__(self): now = datetime.now() self.epoch_time = int(now.strftime('%s')) self.last_weather = self.get_weather() def get_weather(self): """ get weather from disk or api if too old """ try: last_dict = self.get_cache() except FileNotFoundError: # create for first time last_dict = self.get_openweather() last_epoch = last_dict['epoch_time'] if self.epoch_time - last_epoch > 10 * 60: print('get new weather data') weather = self.get_openweather() else: print('reuse weather data') weather = last_dict del weather['epoch_time'] return weather def get_openweather(self): """ get missing weatherdata from openweathermap api """ api_key = self.CONFIG['openweathermap']['api_key'] lat = self.CONFIG['openweathermap']['lat'] lon = self.CONFIG['openweathermap']['lon'] url = ('https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather' + f'?&units=metric&appid={api_key}&lat={lat}&lon={lon}') resp = requests.get(url, timeout=20).json() weather = { 'weather_name': resp['weather'][0]['main'], 'weather_icon': resp['weather'][0]['icon'], 'wind_speed': resp['wind']['speed'], 'wind_direction': resp['wind']['deg'], 'epoch_time': self.epoch_time } self.write_cache(weather) return weather @staticmethod def get_cache(): """ get last stored dict """ with open('static/dyn/weather.json', 'r') as f: last = f.read() last_dict = json.loads(last) return last_dict @staticmethod def write_cache(weather): """ update last stored value """ weather_str = json.dumps(weather) with open('static/dyn/weather.json', 'w') as f: f.write(weather_str) def get_current(): """ get last values from db """ db_handler = DatabaseConnect() aqi = db_handler.db_execute( 'SELECT time_stamp, aqi_value, aqi_category \ FROM aqi ORDER BY epoch_time DESC LIMIT 1;' ) weather = db_handler.db_execute( 'SELECT temperature, pressure, humidity, \ wind_speed, weather_name, weather_icon \ FROM weather ORDER BY epoch_time DESC LIMIT 1;' ) db_handler.db_close() json_dict = { "temperature": weather[0][0], "pressure": weather[0][1], "humidity": weather[0][2], "weather_name": weather[0][4], "weather_icon": weather[0][5], "timestamp": aqi[0][0], "aqi_value": aqi[0][1], "aqi_category": aqi[0][2], "wind_speed": weather[0][3] } json_data = json.dumps(json_dict) return json_data def insert_data(data): """ called from ingest route to make the db insert """ ingest = IngestLine(data) db_handler = DatabaseConnect() _ = db_handler.db_execute(ingest.aqi_query) _ = db_handler.db_execute(ingest.weather_query) db_handler.db_close()