""" handle all monthly tasks """ import json from os import listdir from datetime import datetime, timedelta import numpy as np import pandas as pd from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from src.db import DatabaseConnect from src.helper import plt_fill class MonthStatus: """ check what needs to be done """ ARCHIVE_PATH = 'static/dyn/monthly' FIRST_MONTH = (2021, 3) def __init__(self): self.missing = self.check_missing() self.missing_stamps = self.build_missing_timestamps() @staticmethod def get_epoch(now): """ create relevant timestamps for month passed as datetime """ # last month m_start = datetime(now.year, now.month, day=1) if m_start.month < 12: m_end = datetime( m_start.year, m_start.month + 1, day=1 ) - timedelta(seconds=1) elif m_start.month == 12: m_end = datetime(m_start.year + 1, 1, 1) - timedelta(seconds=1) m_stamp = (int(m_start.strftime('%s')), int(m_end.strftime('%s'))) # last year y_start = m_start.replace(year=m_start.year - 1) if y_start.month < 12: y_end = datetime( y_start.year, y_start.month + 1, day=1 ) - timedelta(seconds=1) elif y_start.month == 12: y_end = datetime(y_start.year + 1, 1, 1) - timedelta(seconds=1) y_stamp = (int(y_start.strftime('%s')), int(y_end.strftime('%s'))) return (m_stamp, y_stamp) def check_missing(self): """ check if current months already exists """ today = datetime.now() last_month = datetime( today.year, today.month, day=1 ) - timedelta(seconds=1) m_stamp, _ = self.get_epoch(last_month) all_files = [i for i in listdir(self.ARCHIVE_PATH) if '.png' in i] exported = [] for file in all_files: year, month = file.split('.')[0].split('-') exported.append((int(year), int(month))) current_m = datetime.fromtimestamp(m_stamp[0]) years = range(self.FIRST_MONTH[0], current_m.year + 1) missing = [] for year in years: if year == self.FIRST_MONTH[0]: months = range(self.FIRST_MONTH[1], current_m.month + 1) else: months = range(1, current_m.month + 1) missing = [(year, i) for i in months if (year, i) not in exported] return missing def build_missing_timestamps(self): """ build timestamps for missing months """ missing_stamps = [] for missing_month in self.missing: year, month = missing_month time_obj = datetime(year, month, 2) missing_stamp = self.get_epoch(time_obj) missing_stamps.append(missing_stamp) return missing_stamps class MonthGenerator(): """ create the monthly graph and json table """ def __init__(self, timestamps): self.m_stamp, self.y_stamp = timestamps self.m_rows, self.y_rows = self.get_data() self.axis = self.build_axis() def get_data(self): """ export from postgres """ m_query = ('SELECT epoch_time, aqi_value FROM aqi WHERE ' f'epoch_time > {self.m_stamp[0]} AND ' f'epoch_time < {self.m_stamp[1]} ' 'ORDER BY epoch_time DESC;') y_query = ('SELECT epoch_time, aqi_value FROM aqi WHERE ' f'epoch_time > {self.y_stamp[0]} AND ' f'epoch_time < {self.y_stamp[1]} ' 'ORDER BY epoch_time DESC;') # make the call db_handler = DatabaseConnect() m_rows = db_handler.db_execute(m_query) y_rows = db_handler.db_execute(y_query) db_handler.db_close() return m_rows, y_rows def build_axis(self): """ build axis from rows """ # initial df x_timeline = [datetime.fromtimestamp(i[0]) for i in self.m_rows] y_aqi_values = [int(i[1]) for i in self.m_rows] data = {'timestamp': x_timeline, 'now_aqi': y_aqi_values} df = pd.DataFrame(data) indexed = df.set_index('timestamp') indexed.sort_values(by=['timestamp'], inplace=True) mean = indexed.resample('8h').mean().round() # reset timestamp to day mean.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True) mean['timestamp'] = mean['timestamp'].dt.strftime('%d %H:%M') mean.set_index('timestamp', inplace=True) # second df with last year data x_timeline = [datetime.fromtimestamp(i[0]) for i in self.y_rows] y_aqi_values = [int(i[1]) for i in self.y_rows] data = {'timestamp': x_timeline, 'year_aqi': y_aqi_values} df = pd.DataFrame(data) indexed = df.set_index('timestamp') indexed.sort_values(by=['timestamp'], inplace=True) # skip if empty if len(indexed) == 0: y_mean = indexed else: y_mean = indexed.resample('8h').mean().round() # reset timestamp to day y_mean.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True) if len(indexed): y_mean['timestamp'] = y_mean['timestamp'].dt.strftime('%d %H:%M') y_mean.set_index('timestamp', inplace=True) # merge the two mean['year_aqi'] = y_mean['year_aqi'] mean.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True) mean.sort_values(by='timestamp', ascending=True, inplace=True) # return axis axis = { 'x': mean['timestamp'], 'y_1': mean['now_aqi'], 'y_2': mean['year_aqi'] } return axis def write_plt(self): """ write monthly plot """ x = self.axis['x'] y_1 = self.axis['y_1'].replace(0, 1) y_2 = self.axis['y_2'].replace(0, 1) # parse timestamp date_month = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.m_rows[-1][0]).date() date_title = date_month.strftime('%b %Y') date_file = date_month.strftime('%Y-%m') month_short = date_month.strftime('%b') file_name = 'static/dyn/monthly/' + date_file + '.png' print(f'exporting graph for {date_title}') # build ticks y_max = np.ceil(max(y_1.append(y_2)) / 50) * 50 + 50 x_range = np.arange(0, len(x), step=9) last_day = int(x.max().split()[0]) x_numbers = np.arange(1, last_day + 1, step=3) x_dates = [f'{str(i).zfill(2)} {month_short}' for i in x_numbers] x_ticks = x_range, x_dates # plot plt.style.use('seaborn') plt.plot(x, y_1, color='#313131', label='this year') plt.plot( x, y_2, color='#666666', linestyle='dashed', label='last year' ) # fill colors plt_fill(plt, x, y_1) plt.xticks(x_ticks[0], x_ticks[1]) plt.yticks(np.arange(0, y_max, step=50)) plt.title(f'AQI values for: {date_title}', fontsize=20) plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(file_name, dpi=300) plt.figure() @staticmethod def get_aqi(val): """ helper function to get aqi category """ breakpoints = [ ('Good', 0, 50), ('Moderate', 50, 100), ('Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups', 100, 150), ('Unhealthy', 150, 200), ('Very Unhealthy', 200, 300), ('Hazardous', 300, 500), ] for break_point in breakpoints: category, min_val, max_val = break_point if min_val < val <= max_val: # found it break return category @staticmethod def get_change(m_val, y_val): """ helper function to get change on thresh """ # skip if nan if y_val == 'nan': return y_val diff_avg = (m_val - y_val) / m_val if diff_avg <= -0.15: avg_change = 'down' elif diff_avg >= 0.15: avg_change = 'up' else: avg_change = 'same' return avg_change def write_table(self): """ write json file with monthly details """ date_month = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.m_rows[-1][0]).date() date_file = date_month.strftime('%Y-%m') file_name = 'static/dyn/monthly/' + date_file + '.json' # current m_min = int(self.axis['y_1'].min()) m_max = int(self.axis['y_1'].max()) m_avg = int(self.axis['y_1'].mean()) m_cat = self.get_aqi(m_avg) # last try: y_min = int(self.axis['y_2'].min()) y_max = int(self.axis['y_2'].max()) y_avg = int(self.axis['y_2'].mean()) y_cat = self.get_aqi(y_avg) except ValueError: y_min = 'nan' y_max = 'nan' y_avg = 'nan' y_cat = 'nan' # build dict monthly_dict = { 'data': [ ['min: ', m_min, y_min, self.get_change(m_min, y_min)], ['max: ', m_max, y_max, self.get_change(m_max, y_max)], ['avg: ', m_avg, y_avg, self.get_change(m_avg, y_avg)], ['avg aqi: ', m_cat, y_cat, self.get_change(m_avg, y_avg)] ] } # write to disk with open(file_name, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(monthly_dict)) def main(): """ main to export monthly graph an table json """ # check if needed month_status = MonthStatus() if not month_status.missing: print('all monthly already created, skipping...') return # create print('creating monthly graph and json file') for month in month_status.missing_stamps: month_generator = MonthGenerator(month) month_generator.write_plt() month_generator.write_table()