#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ test script to post data to the ingest route """ import requests import json import configparser # get auth config_parser = configparser.ConfigParser() config_parser.read('../backend/flask/config') user_name = config_parser.get('aqi_monitor', "authUsername") user_pass = config_parser.get('aqi_monitor', "authPassword") # example json data as from the esp8266 json_data = { "uptime": 1476, "temperature": 28.46, "pressure": 995.0873, "humidity": 10.52051, "pm25": 56.5, "pm10": 64.4 } # make the call response = requests.post("https://data.lpb-air.com/ingest", json=json_data, auth = (user_name, user_pass)) # print result print(response) print(response.text)